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Overview for DeviceDetailsController


A controller for the [DeviceDetailsRoute] that manages the state and owns all business logic.


  • State


  • _ble: SplendidBleCentral A [SplendidBleCentral] instance used for Bluetooth operations conducted by this route.

  • _connectionStateStream: StreamSubscription<BleConnectionState>? A [StreamSubscription] for the connection state between the Flutter app and the Bluetooth peripheral.

  • _currentConnectionState: BleConnectionState The current connection state between the host mobile device and the [BleDevice] provided to this route.

  • _connecting: bool Determines if a connection attempt is currently in progress.

  • _discoveringServices: bool Determines if the service and characteristic discovery process is currently in progress.

  • _servicesDiscoveredStream: StreamSubscription<List<BleService>>? A [StreamController] used to listen for updates during the BLE service discovery process.

  • _discoveredServices: List<BleService> A list of Bluetooth service information that includes a list of characteristics under each service.